What are Asian Stir Fry Vegetable Noodles and their ingredients?

Asian Stir Fry Vegetable Noodles is one of the easiest and fastest recipe that can instantly be cooked

Asian Stir Fry Vegetable Noodles is one of the easiest and fastest recipe that can instantly be cooked

Ingredients include ginger, garlic, red onion, mushroom, capsicum, bean shoots, cabbage, broccoli, chili and noodles

Ingredients include ginger, garlic, red onion, mushroom, capsicum, bean shoots, cabbage, broccoli, chili and noodles

Chicken can also be used

Chicken can also be used

Cooking time varies depending on the noodles type you are using like rice noodles take 2-3 minutes to cook

Cooking time varies depending on the noodles type you are using like rice noodles take 2-3 minutes to cook

Asian noodles are classified into three types: wheat, rice and glass noodles, rice noodles take least time to cook

Asian noodles are classified into three types: wheat, rice and glass noodles, rice noodles take least time to cook

Rice noodles are used in almost every cuisine in every Asian and Southeast Asian country

Rice noodles are used in almost every cuisine in every Asian and Southeast Asian country